Monday, December 16, 2013

Ski Weekend

We went skiing this past weekend. Corey says you're not supposed to live in Utah without skiing. I got away with living and growing up in Utah without skiing. Well, I take that back... I went once when I was a teenager as a church activity. Corey went skiing a lot and is determined to give the kids the same experience. His determination became fixed when he missed out on winter when we were in Costa Rica/Chile, he vowed to make it up and he did at the first available opportunity. He's been trying to make ski bums out of the kids since then. I've been pregnant or with a newborn, so he's been on his own and I'm glad he owns it and makes it happen - 2012, 2013.

I agree that it's good on several levels. One of those levels is that it teaches the kids to figure things out on their own. One year Joseph and Ethan were out together and got stuck on the face of a black diamond. They couldn't come running to dad for help and whaddya know, when left with no other recourse, they figured it out!  (aka took off their skis and walked down the mountain). Good job kids! Sure, there are risks, and we had one ski injury last winter, but all in all they do well on their own and it helps them come that much closer to adulthood and freedom! Corey's only got two hands and two legs, so he can usually only help two kids ski once out on the mountain. This is how it usually looks:
One kid in between his skis holding on to his legs with the other kid in town via a ski pole.
We usually have to help all ages of children put on their boots, including Joseph, silly boy. Corey said several times that he forgot how much work it was to have fun. Melodie lost her ski pass, fell out of her pocket, so I guess the teenagers aren't totally independent yet, not when they're close enough to us to try and get us to solve their problems. Time to ski away, ski away!
Yeah, once they're out they are on their own (via buddy system) that's where the real fun and magic happen - real life experience. Good job kids. I got to stay with Sophia and Natalie in the cabin with our neighbor and her two toddlers.

We went skiing this weekend cause our neighbors were up at their cabin and invited us to join them. It was so fun. Right next to the run, gorgeous views, just amazing. They were so nice to share their blessings with us. Natalie cozy on the bear skin rug (not real animal but still real soft and warm.)
After the kids all took a soup lunch break they headed out again.
Wes and Tess here below, these two are such a cute pair...
You know all those movies Hollywood makes about a little boy and girl who are best childhood friends who grow up and marry? We'll see in another 15 years if stories like that really happen. If they do, it would be fun to have it happen to them, cause their names rhyme!
We had a great time - Kids out on the slopes with their dads doing the things that dad's like to do - give their kids' experiences and opportunities for growth.
I got to stay in the cozy warm cabin doing what I love - taking care of the little kids while I dream and plan, waiting for the crew to return and tell me their tales of adventure. :)

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