Monday, December 23, 2013

Deja Vu

A year ago we were waiting for the sick bug to finish the rounds. And we're there again. Hyrum and Abi were sick over the weekend, they both missed the last day of school, which was basically a party day. Hyrum was pretty bummed. Yesterday Sophi caught the bug... see her there in the picture below? 
She was watching the video on Corey's smart phone with her siblings. 
She had enough strength to keep her eyes open. Poor little girl.
Sophi's still been sick today, and Natalie and Lily and Melodie all joined her in fever land.
They had a rough morning but have taken long naps this afternoon.

While they've been sick and chillin' with their rice bags, just like last year, I've been having another deja vu from last year. Guess what the kids discovered in the basement this morning? A soaked carpet! Our basement is flooding again! What are the odds, huh? Last year it was on Christmas Eve with a clogged sewer. This time it's nice clean water from the water tank. It's seal is broken. Good thing we are renting from the best landlords in the world. But it might mean trouble for kid's town...

I shall remember that there are no problems in life, only situations to be dealt with. This is just a situation. I've been dealing with it okay. Although I did start to curse our luck when I couldn't change the lightbulb in the room where the water tank was. It popped off and left the bottom part of the light bulb screwed in, then as I tried to get it out with pliers I ruined the whole thing. But atleast I didn't get electrocuted. Yes, just situations to be dealt with. I shall not give into my pain body that wants to yell at the world. Chin up!

1 comment:

  1. Use a potato to get the light out! I hope things go smoother for you. Have a wonderful Christmas!
