Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Holiday Re-cap

We went with Corey's parents and siblings up to Park City for the Thanksgiving holiday. Corey had hoped it would snow and that we could go skiing, but there wasn't enough for him to feel the expense would be worth it. We still had a nice time. The kids enjoyed a short two days of hot tubbing and playing games. Corey's mom brought the supplies for the kids to make their annual candy turkeys again. Melodie, always a perfectionist with her artwork, created another masterpiece. 
Lily was a careful study also, though not as precise in her skill. It was cute to see her quietly at work.
Good job girls. Their brothers, however, seemed to excel more at the art of hunting turkeys.
There you can see Hyrum's got his spear toothpick ready to slay the turkey for his Thanksgiving feast.
Good job Hyrum, you're a good hunter and your turkey is officially dead with frosting guts oozing out and everything. You must be proud for being so tough against a poor defenseless candy turkey. 

We had a group family picture taken to commemorate the holiday. For the last pose of the shoot, instead of doing silly faces, Corey's mother broke out her stash of 'staches. The kids loved it. We all though Natalie made a very cute 'stache wear-er. She looked a little bit like the Lorax's baby.
 Her tongue went into hyperdrive trying to figure out what that big fuzzy thing on her face was...
They were wearing their mustaches the rest of the day ~ Wesley casually playing pool with a fluorescent yellow mustache on. Silly kids. 
It was a fun holiday, good memories. Corey and I feel so very thankful for our wonderful kids and family.

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