Tuesday, December 3, 2013

This and That

The great thing about losing a camera, is that when you find it, you can easily learn who was responsible for it being misplaced...
Ha! Caught you Abi! I shall need to re-emphasize the "Don't touch my camera" rule.

In other news, I've been busy this past week striving to establish life changing habits. In my quest to master my little dominion, I went searching for some cheap self help tips via the local thrift store's book section. I've got dinner and keeping a family financial record figured out, but I'm still greatly lacking in getting this household clean and running like a fine tuned machine. So I was at the DI just picking up any book that looked like it might have a gem of insight to impart, and I found two that hit the spot - this title sounded like just the kinda book I was looking for:  The Change Your Life Challenge by Brook Noel. I liked filling out my snapshot and getting my personalized prescription of where I needed to begin to manage things right now in my life. She recommends filling out the snapshot once a month once we start to get a handle on things, as for now I think I'll be busy with this snapshot for a few months. I also am loving the Catch All Notebook (aka CAN), because I am very guilty of writing reminders and notes to self on any old scrap anywhere and then not being able to find it. So it's been fun. I've got my "Active Task List" for today and so now that blog is checked off, I'm off to clean this desk.

Oh wait, one more book I loved from my thrift store finds - Bob Greene's "The Best Life Diet". Reading his "Hunger Scale" has made something click (which I hope I don't undo by preaching it here...) but the hunger scale, so simple it's silly: You eat if you're body says it's hungry (aka tummy growls and lets you know your body needs food) and you stop when you feel comfortably satisfied. Isn't that great and simple? Just keep yourself comfortable! Stop eating before you get uncomfortable (over eat and feel too full/stuffed/sick). Before this my brain had too many rules it was trying to follow: Eat every 3 hours! Eat 5-6 meals a day! Always have protein with carbs together! Never eat carbs and protein together! (via Food combining via Marilu, I have a soft spot for that one cause I did follow that faithfully for 2 years and that was the first book that helped me when I first lost weight in 2002 but as Brian Regan says, it does seem pretty ridiculous...I'm positive that's what the girl he was talking to was doing, cause that is how it's taught in the book - you can eat as much as you want if it's combined properly. anway... what other food advice is in my head?) How about "Have a protein shake right after your workout" (P90X advice there) Eat 6-11 servings of grains ("Just keep them a coming..." start at 3:06) yeah, too much input and I would take some of all of it. But the hunger scale, basic basic, and after a 3 month plateu with my weight it finally responded and went down, and that includes listening to my body via the hunger scale over Thanksgiving! Woot! I'll preach more about that at my little "lose the baby weight" blog.

One more last news - looks like Darth Vader made his debut last night on Studio C - go watch "Bad Boys Rap" -
Great episode last night as always, we love Studio C!

1 comment:

  1. If you find the keeping the house clean solution please clue me in. We are in pretty bad shape here at the Hibbert household ever since October and with the holidays it just keeps getting worse. I feel if I just said no to every outside demand (kids school, callings, service, activities, etc.) maybe I could keep up with it but then that's not the answer. Anyway it's a mess and probably will be until the kids leave home. This is one area I feel like a complete failure in and just feel like throwing in the towel lately.
