Thursday, December 5, 2013

Up and Coming Ice Rink

This morning, as I took to carpool, it was 47 degrees in the garage, and as we left down the street we watched the dial go down degree by degree and we cheered it on as we auctioned off the lowest bet to the kids in the car. Joseph called the 1 degree bid. I bid 4 degrees, Mel was 6, The lowest it went on our drive was 1 degree so Joseph won. That's cold.

It was nice enough fall weather on Monday. Corey had been scheming and planning for a week or so to build an ice rink on our neighbor's property. Monday seemed like the perfect opportunity before the storm to get the dirt ready, but then the person who as going to lend his truck bailed out, and then it snowed. Corey, not one to be deterred by freezing temperatures, arranged for another truck to help him haul the machine from the Home Depot, and has been outside all day (since 7 a.m.) working whatever magic is needed for one to make an ice rink. He hasn't been answering his calls. The kids all went over to check it out after they got home from school. I just barely had a chance to go over too but it looks like I just missed the action. I guess the group went off to return the tiller? I was able to snap a picture in the dusk
 That is dirt that has been made flat.
Soon to be an ice rink. Corey is sure it will be a hit with the kids and I think he's right. He made an ice rink in his back yard one year when he was a kid. I told him the kids would like for him to make a tree house someday too. He said one thing at a time. A tree house would take a little more effort, and he might not have the free mental capacity to undertake such a task. But and ice rink is pretty easy and basic: water, cold temps, and flat dirt. And making dirt flat sounded easy enough to do. We'll keep you posted for the grand opening!

As for me, I'm still slowly but surely trying to follow the baby steps to get my life organized with the Change Your Life Challenge. Anybody want to join the challenge with me? You can get the book used on Amazon for like 1cent plus $3.99 shipping, so $4 bucks for a book isn't bad, right? Let's do it, or you can just check in here and I'll try to keep you posted on how the application of it's tips are going in our neck of the woods.

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