Friday, January 3, 2014

Alfalfa Grows Up

Once upon a time there was a cute little one year old boy named Joseph. One day his parents dressed him up and gave him an Alfalfa hairdo, and he was just adorable. 
His baby sister, Melodie, thought so too.
The years passed and Joseph and Melodie grew up. They tried to capture the cuteness of their youth ~ actually, they were just goofing off. Let's see how the years have treated cute little Alfalfa

Oh yeah, he's still got it.

We were laughing and Joseph tried to perfect his new look with help of the bathroom mirror, so he could check to make sure everything was picture perfect....
Almost there...
Melodie told me to take the picture from below him, so that her glasses could give his eyes the full bug effect...
There's our cute little toddler!! You're funny Joseph. Fun times in the bathroom, and all started with a pair of halloween teeth. The creativity never ceases around here.

1 comment:

  1. With the glasses and big eyes, I can see Hyrum in that face! :)
