Monday, January 6, 2014


The kids are back in school. The vacation from life and schedule went by way too fast. And the croup was here with us the whole time.
Natalie's croup got really bad Friday night/Saturday morning, and her cough, while not uncontrollable, sounded terrible. She'd fuss for a second and then fall peacefully back to sleep. I'd look her over again - color was good, eating was normal, slightly labored breathing (using stomach a little), but I'd go back to bed then a half hour later she'd cough and I'd be awake again in a panic - it sounded so bad! Thus, in the wee morning hours, we decided she needed help so I took her up to Primary Children's, where I learned a new word: Stridor. I had not even heard that word before, or if I had it never registered in my brain. But "stridor" is the name for the sound she was making and for the type of croup she has. Infants up to 6 months are high risk for Stridor cause their airways are so small already. She'll be 6 months in a few days, so she was right on the borderline for high risk and they wanted to watch her. They gave her some steroids to help her air passages open up, some cool mist, and then some vaporized epinephrine, and then we got to wait around for 3 hours, after which time they'd see how she responded. She improved and sounded so much better, and looked a lot happier. I was happy too.
I've recently started fooling around with essential oils, have been putting On Guard and Breathe on the kids over the holiday, I guess it helped a little? I just recently ordered the doTerra diffuser and we went to pick that up after our hospital visit, been trying to position her during her naps with that right above her face with some Breathe in it. I stayed home from church again yesterday with her and Lily and Sophi who also still cough now and then, but over all I think we're on the upswing. This girls are doing better and as cute as ever.
We're letting Sophia grow out her hair, I love it short, but it's looking so cute long and brushed in front of her big brown eyes.
Lily is a bit jealous since she has such short hair... it's been just over 4 months growing it out since she gave herself a haircut. You're getting there Lil. Yesterday she said "Sophi is more beautiful-er than me!" Lily, you're right there with her. Once that four year old attitude is gone, I'm sure you shall be the fairest of them all.

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