Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big Brothers & Books

It was in the afternoon, and I was upstairs, when I heard Joseph's voice saying to his little sisters "You want me to read you a story? Come here..." I continued to listen as he read them one of the Cinderella books I got on my thrift store run ~
Sweetest thing ever. Don't you just love big brothers? As he was reading, I heard him say "Oh! Oh! Mom! There's a typo!!" (He was so excited about it!) "They used the wrong 'there'! They said 'When THERE game was over' T-H-E-R-E when it should have been T-H-E-I-R!! Ha! I could sue them!"
Hmm, probably can't sue them, but I admit it's always exciting to find typing errors for some reason. Makes us readers feel smarter than the authors and publishers or something?
Anyway, it was so sweet. Then last night Hyrum started reading a book to Lily too ~ of course Abi started to listen and came to see the pages...
Then Wes came over too... It's interesting that they can't resist books. It has a pull just like a television that's turned on, only books obviously are much better for you than tv. If I ask them to read with me, I might get one or two takers, but once I start reading, anyone who's within ear shot can't help themselves and they start to quietly listen and then they will all start coming over and peeking at the pictures. Love it.
Although if there are no pictures, and it is getting late, they can't help dozing off. One by one I lost my audience last night... I started reading "Man's Search for Meaning" to them, which is pretty heavy reading before falling to sleep. It was so late though that most of them were only half awake when I started, so no one had bad dreams from it. What a powerful experience that one is though. Pretty sobering.

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