Saturday, January 25, 2014

Is It Possible To Craft with Kids?

Yesterday was a humdinger of a day, motherhood wise. I stayed home most all the day, so it wasn't busy with running around, just with homemaking life. I got a little over my head by taking on too many projects and then with my little girls trying to stop me from accomplishing any of them. For some reason I decided to start to repaint the girl's bedroom dresser from the cream color it was to glossy white. Their room had been perfectly clean the night before, but then I turned it on it's head by having to empty all the drawers and take them outside to paint. That project probably could have / should have waited. In addition to that, I am gathering supplies for a Jewelry Board that I want to make. It's currently underway, albeit mostly in my head. But I just loved the idea, so pretty, and to turn your jewelry into a display for the wall I think is just a great idea. Want to make one for Melodie to. So that's on my brain and around my house right now. And I started also making jute/decor ball thingys, and top that off with the regular cleaning that comes with each day, right? So as I was trying to do all these things, these three girls decided to join efforts to sabotage me:
Culprit #1) My sweet baby is trying her best to make me loco with her screaming. She's not mad or anything, she's just discovered her voice. So this past week, and especially yesterday, the little quiet Natalie we all knew has changed into 6 month old sqwaking macaw or a schreeching pterodactyl or some kinda loud bird that makes a very loud and shrieking sound. She was doing it ALL day yesterday, and it got increasingly louder and shrill as the evening progressed. Was making my nerves get very on edge. So with that in the background, I introduce Culprit #2)
...After my Dollar store run to get decor ball supplies, I also picked up some kid toothpaste, which Lily (culprit #3) got out and left out for Sophia, who brought the empty tube of it to me as I was crafting... I grab the tube and examine it, yes, this is not an old toothpaste tube, this is the new tube I just bought less than 2 hours ago... "Did you eat this?!?!" (look at label, yup "Call poison control if more than the amount used for brushing is swallowed...") "Sophia, did you eat this? This whole tube?!?!" Before I called 911 or rushed her to the emergency room, I went to the kids' bathroom to make sure it was eaten and not squirted out on the counter, where to my great relief I found it in a pile in the toothbrush drawer.
In my heart: "PHEW!" then to the toddler: "Sophi, you made a mess. What do you have to say for yourself, pretty girl?"
It's all about perspective. The situation would have been much worse with an ER visit, so yes, I was relieved and happy and grateful to find this big mess vs. her having eaten it all. (Natalie still squawking by the way.) So, after saying thanks to the Lord, I cleaned that up. This whole time the house is continuing to get progressively messier and messier with each passing minute of me trying to work on my too many projects. So I stopped crafting and cleaned that up, then off to change a poopy diaper, then into the girls' room to clean off the lipsick that Culprit #3 Lily again got out of my bathroom and gave to Sophia which Sophia put on the bedroom window, blinds, and bedframe (not on the carpet, hooray!!) (... and Natalie crying squawking now) then off to plunge a toilet that Ethan clogged cause he used a ton of toilet paper ~ when asked to explain his using half a roll, he stated that he spied something wet on the seat. Yeah, instead of just wiping it off, he had to make a mountain of tp layers to protect himself, not wanting to risk his fingers getting near it. Then I had the tub on full blast cause I was slightly worried his clog would back up the water main like last year when I was sick and Corey had done all the shopping and bought the ultra thick and absorbent Charmin tp which the kids used way too unsparingly and a big pile of it clogged the drain pipes 200 feet underground. Yeah, so that was how yesterday ended and that's the end of my run on sentences for now. We'll see if I make any progress with anything today. Come on Saturday, go easy on me!

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