Friday, January 17, 2014

Epic Fort Making

After I showed myself up with our little winter party last Saturday, the kids decided to show themselves up too with some serious fort making - Ethan, Abi and Wes were very proud of their fort in the study, made around the desk. This luxurious fort boasts 3 rooms and two lighting fixtures!
Melodie and Hyrum made sure not to disappoint by creating a fort that at it's highest peak reached 9 feet tall! The little pink one in the bottom corner is Sophi's fort, built under the desk. Small and simple.
Hyrum isn't very happy with his neighbors though. They (mostly Ethan) keep trying to start a war. Don't you hate it when you have neighbors like that...
Scrabble game party going on in the house.
I've been missing two barstools this week, not sure they misplaced them, but I blame the forts for their disappearance.
Abi posing in her suite.
Looks good guys!
So Ethan kept trying to start a war, then they started to fight, at which point Corey told them their fort game was over. It was around 9 pm Sunday night (we are so bad at getting to bed at a decent time, which is why the little girls have been sleeping in until 10 am on a regular basis, that's for another post though). They begged me to let them keep the forts up all week. No way kids, sorry. Glad you're playing nice, but you guys are going to be gone at school the majority of the time, and if your forts were left up, they would be giants monuments constantly reminding me of things that need to be put away, which not only would sap all my energy, but they would end up being knocked over and destroyed anyway. Better to have you guys do it while I have you in my control. Then off to bed, you can build forts again next weekend.

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