Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hockey Anyone?

Well, he did it. Corey made an ice rink. And after the first evening of skating out there last night, he is happy and relieved to say he feels very satisfied. 
He has worried his little head a lot over this past month wondering if the ice rink would even work. His helper Joseph spent one night waking up every hour to go move the hose and check to make sure it wasn't leaking. Joseph has kinda been Corey's minion during this whole process, such a good kid. So, there have been many mistakes made as they've ad hoc'ed their way through this idea of Corey's, like the ground not being level enough, and holes being torn in the plastic as they pulled it to lay it out, more problems than the one's they've related to me... (I need to make Corey and Joseph document all their ups and downs of their experience this winter...)
But yesterday it looked like it was as ready as it would ever be, so... time to give it test. For that you just need one last thing, which a trip to Scheels took care of -
He got two sizes to start with, one for him and one for the kids. Corey and Wes were the first ones on the ice. Next I decided to try with Corey's skates (way too big, but it worked) and Wes' friend Tess used his skates, and well, we are all just ready for a lot of icy cold fun!!
There was a lot of slip and falls going on. I don't have any footwork at all to speak of, but I didn't biff it.
Tiff didn't biff and Corey awed the youngsters with his control of himself on the ice doin' hockey stops and stuff. Although the ice was a little soft for him to show off all his skills.
Corey went and got more skates and hockey sticks today and now are officially ready for fun. Anyone want to come play? Game on!

1 comment:

  1. Epic Parenting needs to get a load of this! Well done Corey!
