Saturday, January 11, 2014

January Party Tonight!

So, a few months ago I was thinking of a way to make the winter months less long and painful. It seems that from January to March there's just nothing fun going on, holiday wise, to make the time pass and give us all something to work on and look forward to ~ there's no month to spend figuring out Halloween costumes, planning Thanksgiving dinner, or Christmas shopping. Sure, maybe we need a break from all the business, but it does make January just boring and depressing, not to mention how the snow and hazy days make us feel even more cooped up inside. Sure, there's skiing, but I don't make it out there too often yet, and with memories of morning sickness and time passing slowly last year, I wanted to help that NOT happen again this year. Thus were my thoughts when I had an idea ~ we're gonna try this year to have monthly theme dinners. 
The goal is: one really fancy dinner each month. I asked Melodie to join me on trying to learn how to throw a party. I was totally inspired by her Pointe Party last month, so that's the kinda ambiance we're going for. I looked online for inspiration, and Pinterest led me to the Fairy Party ~ The House of Smith's always has such great stuff. So, how to throw a kid party...
- looking at that picture it looks like the treats to "real food" ratio (I'm gonna be lenient and include the potato chips in the "real food" category) is about 10:3, so that's what we're going for tonight. I think it will be a hit. The party is today, I'm aiming for 2:00 at the earliest, 5:00 at the latest, I still have a lot to do, Corey's gonna take the kids away so I can finish making the surprise. I did have a lot of little helpers "help" me decorate last night. 
They broke some of the branch tips off of my decor, which I frowned upon, and then Corey quoted Harmon Killebrew saying: "You're not raising grass, you're raising boys".
Well, I'd like to raise girls too, and that means having this party idea of mine pretty, or atleast attempting to, and so I did let them help a little with the ornaments, but going to get down to business getting this party ready after they are gone for a few hours - it will be worth it kids! I think they'll be surprised. It's not going to be perfect, and I've been singing "forget your perfect offering" this morning, but I'll do my best and let the Light get in and do the rest.
I'll let them learn with me and after this first surprise we'll all have fun anticipating our party next month ~ going to be an Annivesary/Valentine's party like last year but a lot better, since I'm learning how to do fancy dinner party thing better. And then maybe when my kids are older with families of their own, they'll KNOW how to do something like this! ...if we do figure it out and get it right. We'll see how it goes tonight! :)

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