Friday, January 10, 2014

Birthday Delivered

Joseph and Melodie are not the same age anymore. For one month there, from Dec 12 to Jan 9, they are both 13 years old. But yesterday was his happy birthday and now Joseph is my lucky number years old (aka 14). And today is Natalie's half birthday, just so many things to celebrate! After a rough Jr. Jazz game last night, he came home to his birthday dinner - I delivered, visually atleast. To (almost) quote Finding Nemo "Did your mom deliver or did your mom deliver!?" Oh yeah.
I bought a three tiered cake platter thingy at Ross on which the desserts were displayed: Birthday cake, cookies, and tiny doughnuts. Boy were they impressed with me!
Also, you can see in the picture above, that I've moved beyond the Ikea colored cups and am trusting the children with some little acrylic tumblers. Fancy schmancy, the kids were exited! Ethan, don't play with the lighter!
Later that night, after the dinner was 2 hours behind us, little 4 year old Lily said the prayer and said "Thank you for the dinner we had." Made me want to continue in this New Years resolve to make dinners and parties more memorable. In the pictures above you can see Corey capturing the kids' pre-dinner chit chat and chaos, it was pretty funny, they were all just going a mile an hour.
Our cute 14 year old, slightly depressed/discouraged after his nail biter of a game.
Right after he walked in the door, the kids were excited to see his reaction to the party that was prepared for him. When they saw his red eyes and scowl, they all started to pester "Joe, why are you crying!?" and he wouldn't answer, then they'd follow him as he put his shoes away questioning with more urgency "JOSEPH! WHY ARE YOU SAD?!?" and I said "Back off you guys!" and Corey quickly said "It's his party and he'll cry if he wants to!!" So dinner was a hit. The little doughnuts were all gone from the plate in less than a minute. How's that dinner Sophia? I told the children that this little party presentation was just a teaser to a party I've got planned for them, coming this weekend! Stay tuned.
Our next step for a higher quality dinner presentation: fully dressed toddlers.
Joseph got Risk for his birthday, requested after playing it at the fun New Years Eve party. And to top off the night, we got a nice surprise when Aunt Beka and Uncle Matt came over, who are real gamers, and they joined Joseph and Corey in a game of Risk.
Natalie thought the game was super intense. Don't her yes ever get tired of being so amazed all the time?
Happy birthday Joseph! 

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