Friday, January 31, 2014

Kid's Town Tornado

Kid's Town got neglected over the Christmas holiday, old west ghost town style, and then it got hit with a flood. Thus kid's town and the basement in which it resides have both been in a sad and messy state for several weeks. I, Mom (aka President of Kid Country) recently appointed a czar named Hyrum and he got his ground crews working to try to clean up their town. It looks much better now. They have made a "garbage dump" which now holds lots of things that I'm sure I, who am also the Federal Disaster Clean Up Expert, will be the one who goes through and sorts, but better to have it kinda organized down there and to have all the misc junk one spot rather than all over the whole floor.
Abi is opening her toy store again. I do think these little girls have too many toys. "There shall not be room enough to receive." Melodie was helping me sort and organize things in the girl's room last night. Natalie is sitting up now, she was making sure all the duplo legos were in order. And I am in love with her thighs.
Top random thoughts on my brain right now:
1) I'm reading Journey to the Veil by John Pontius and really love it. Highly recommend.
2) I'm experimenting with DoTerra oils, anyone else having fun with those? The oregano oil, which I think is powerfully dangerous, has almost gotten rid of a mole on my wrist, so I guess it must do something.
3) Excited to go see Brian Regan on February 28th
4) An police officer in Utah named Cory Wride died in the line of duty yesterday. It gave our extended family and friends a few scares when they heard the name over the news, as it is almost exactly like my significant other. I'm sure there's a genealogical connection a few generations back. Condolences to his family. He left behind a wife and 5 children, so sad.
5) Tomorrow our prep for our Valentine Family "Just Because" Party Begins. :) Colors: Red, Pink, White ~ On the menu: Salmon, roasted red potatoes, Red Salad ~ Desserts: Red Velvet cake, pink and red candies, heart shaped cookies and oh, I'm sure it's gonna be really easy and fun to find lots of pink heart treats for the kids! Plus a big box of chocolates of course.

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