Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Oreo Brownie Cookie Cake

I was first introduced to these oreo cookie brownie cake thing on a friend's blog when she made it for her son's birthday cake. Joseph requested it for his b-day cake too.
Kid heaven, no? Cookie crust on bottom, a layer of oreos, top it off with some brownie mix, mmm.
And this is how the little girls eat oreos, which is okay by me (when I'm not caring about diet) cause I like the outside, so it's a win win. :)
Here's her recipe:
Line a 9x9 with parchment paper. 1 package chocolate chip cookie mix follow directions on package except melt the butter, oreo cookies (I used triple layer... why not?!?!) 1 box brownie mix with a splash more oil. Bake in a 350° oven for 30 minutes. Let cool 30 minutes. Using parchment paper, lift from pan to a cutting board. Cut into 12 brownies.  Or 4 brownies.
It can be done by scratch, but I wanted (needed) easy because of the labor involved with the birthday meal request.   This is one of the easiest birthday desserts I've ever made.  AND the candles came out clean! Enjoy!