Thursday, January 9, 2014

Nail Polish

The girls are into fingernail polish these days. Mel got a good stockpile on her birthday and for Christmas that her little sisters always find. Melodie paints their nails regularly. Such a good older sister. A few weeks ago Corey was giving Sophia all his attention and very carefully painting her toe nails, and then he let her paint his. A pretty blue color, I think he's still got it on. Ethan and Sophia recreated the event. First, her big brother sweetly painted her toes, so important to little toddlers, they seem to treat the ceremony with great reverence - they hold so still and sit so quietly, precious.
What a good big brother you are, Ethan. Young men probably only have opportunities like this with little sisters.
And then he let her paint his - she was very careful. Pretty cute. Pink looks good on you Ethan.
The girls have been good at not making a mess when the paint each other nails, so good in fact that I'm starting to let down my guard. We'll see how long they have my trust before I find a mess of it on the furniture or carpet!

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