Monday, January 13, 2014


For our January Party, the color scheme was winter (white, blue, and green) and the theme was goals and resolutions. We had various dinner conversations and evening talks with them about resolutions and what's important in life, and during one of those discussions I had them each choose a motto for themselves, some kinda theme that says what they hope to accomplish this year. After a follow up with each of them if that was really there goal or if they wanted to change anything, I was set and ready to order their trophies!
I called the Trophy Corner, placed that order on Tuesday and they were done by Friday (I'm grateful for my short experience with Reflections a year ago to teach me that simple process). After our fancy dinner, I unveiled what was beneath the blanket and we had an awards ceremony and presented each kid with their trophy.
Boy, was Lily excited! "I always wanted a TROPHY!!!" she cheered! Lily's theme for 2014 is "Play Games". She was hugging that trophy all night.
I had the trophies printed with first, middle, and last names, and here were the themes: 
Corey ~ Abundance & Love
Tiffanie ~ Do It All For Him
Joseph ~ Do It Better (He's gonna do everything he did last year again, only better)
Melodie ~ Be Like Him
Ethan ~ Serve
Hyrum ~ Work Hard
Wesley ~ Share & Help
Abigail ~ Do Everything
Lilian ~ Play Games 
Sophia ~ Independence (Corey wants her to be potty trained) 
...and last but not least, Natalie... Ethan held her as we gave her her trophy, she grabbed it with both hands, eyes wide with amazement! And proceeded to eat it...
She is so fun... 
What's your goal, Natalie? We decided to help her out, and had thought of goals for her like "Grow Cuter" but it's hard to improve when you're so perfect already, so her trophy was at the top of the family pyramid on the display with her theme "I Am Perfect". She was gnawing it all evening
and then she knocked it off her supersaucer and the corner of it hit my middle toe so hard!! I was in pain for the rest of the night. 
She's still perfect though. 
I think this will be a fun way for them to remember their goal as they each display their important trophy proudly on their shelves. And they'll think of a real serious goal now for next year, since they know it's gonna be immortalized on a little gold plaque. :)

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