Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Veggie Snowman Treat

Mel and I made this up the day of our party ~ I had the food supplies that we thought we'd need for it, and the pretzel sticks just happened to be around from the party mix. We experimented a little and had success on our first try making a veggie snowman. Melodie and I made one for each guest, and giggled to ourselves after each one was created, they were so cute!
We had a ton of desserts planned, so we figured we better serve something healthy, this hit the spot as it added a little winter decor and was nutritious.
Plain yogurt was our glue to stick the cauliflower to the plates and the hats together. The snowmen were made of cauliflower bodies, a cut sliver of carrot for the nose, bits of olive for the buttons and eyes, an olive and carrot striped hat, and pretzel sticks for the arms. We carved out a little hole for the carrot nose to hold out straight, the olive buttons and eyes were just set on top of the cauliflower.
As Melodie and I planned out the menu, we originally thought some snowmen shaped rolls would be nice, but then as we continued to think of white/wintery colored foods, we thought cauliflower, and then we opted for making a big veggie tray in the shape of a snowman. But when the moment came, we opted for small ones, cause we were pretty sure that most of our little guests wouldn't be that interested in eating cauliflower... if we made a whole tray it would just be wasted. Even just these 3 circles each was pushing it. At the dinner I think I ended up eating half of them. That's ok, they were mostly for decoration anyway, and we liked making them, it was fun!

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