Saturday, February 22, 2014

Family Picture Shoot

So... we got family pictures taken. I did the little girls hair during the day when everyone else was at school. Around 1:00 Joseph and Melodie got home, I had Mel watch the kids while I ran Joseph out to find some blue jeans that fit him, and told him to stop growing. After that errand, I helped Mel do her hair. Now it's 2:00 and elementary kids arrive home. Soon it's one hour until departure, everyone is getting dressed. Ethan home from school at 3:15, I try to do final touches on myself, I wake up Natalie from a nap and get her dressed. I take count of the kids and we're short one. Where is Lily?

We find her on her bed asleep. Her hair's all messed up, blah, oh well. 20 minute countdown. Lily is not cooperating with Melodie, so we switch. Lily's not cooperating with me either and as I feel her I can tell she's got a fever. Doh, sorry Lily! But you gotta come - sorry! So on top of not feeling well Lily informs me she hates the clothes I have for her. I keep forcing them on. Mel is getting Natalie dressed. She leaves her for a second for some reason and Natalie is sitting too close to the edge of the bed and in her prepping to crawls mode she pushes herself up and then over she falls off and bonks her head. Carpeted floor, but she's screaming and I run over to that emergency as I yell for everyone to start to get in the car (usually a 20 minute process in itself...) There's no blood or goose-egg on Natalie and I calm her down. I can't find all the bows I want and Sophia won't wear her boots, I start to just throw things in a bag and we'll fix it when we get there... Ahh!

Into the car we go and I'm sure we're 10 minutes behind, but we met up with the photographer at the exact time which amazed me - I thought someone had switched the upstairs clock ahead 15 minutes or something. So, yeah! Looks like we're on the home stretch? Up the canyon to find some snow...
The valley temperature was very deceiving ~ or maybe just cause I had started to break a sweat, but I was worried we would be too hot. Not so, we were too cold and I was kicking myself for not bringing some blankets, which I had thought of but didn't act on right away, and the impression got lost in the fever, bonked head, and rush for the car. Lily was fine in the car drive up, but for her individual shot she smiled doing a really scrunchy face, and I unfortunately forgot that she's a feisty four year old, cause when I told her to just smile normal, she lost it and said "But I don't know how to smile!" and it was downhill from there...
There was no consoling her. My bad. I'll try to remember next time. Of course next time she probably won't still be four, but she will still be Lily, and Lily has a "I'm not going to cooperate for these photos" reputation that she's trying to uphold. Please see exhibit photos 5, 6, and 7.
Even the Elmo hat couldn't bring a smile to this little girl. After coming back down home we took a few more in our yard like last year, and I bet the amazing Rochelle from Pointe Digital might still be able to work a miracle for us! Crossing our fingers.

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