Saturday, February 15, 2014

February Party

February/Love/Valentine/Anniversary party - DONE!
I'm two for two and already the kids have memories that are defining their childhood about "what we always did" when they were little. I can already hear the conversation in 20 years from now "Hey, you guys remember how we always had a big fancy family dinner party every month!" When reality is that as for the present moment in time, it's actually just been twice that we've done this. Two meals. Even if you count the whole day of anticipation, it's still just two days, and that is a comparatively small portion of their childhood years. But Corey and I talk about how most childhood memories aren't necessarily about reality, it's more about impressions that last, right? Yeah! Well these fancy dinners are leaving an imprint. It's fun.
 (nice Joseph)
We had salmon and red potatoes and red grapes and Pink Lady apples at the table, with grape and cranberry sparkling cider. Sophia in the picture below was holding the very end of her long stemmed rose that Corey gave her, and kept unintentionally whacking it around and turning it 180 degrees and landing it almost right into the flame of the candle.
Teenager Joseph was proud to show us that he was able to put 3 - 5, yes that is 35 red grapes in his mouth! A new personal best!
Yeah, pretty fancy dinner with manners like that, right? Yes indeed. A few of the details involved: first thing I did yesterday morning, like at 8:00 was set the table. Sleepy eyed Abi came downstairs and looked at me confused "Are you making dinner?" Not yet. Then I supervised the baking and spent the rest of my time hanging lights and tulle from the chandelier. Sophia's ready for the fun to begin! (Don't break the plates by hitting them with the forks please...)
We made little strawberry hearts for the table decoration this time. Most of them got eaten and not wasted, which was an improvement compared to how our little veggie snowmen got treated last month.
And I put marshmallow hearts on the kids plates too. And Mel tried to make some roses out of the strawberry remnants and leaves.
I put the finishing touches on the meal and the girls finished up the dessert buffet: 
Now for one final touch - ambiance!
Cue angelic music... Ahh! ~  and cupid's arrow struck their hearts, making little pink princesses start to sing and twirl and dance ~
Looks like little prince charmings are ready too.
Of all the foods prepared, the fruit salad made me the most happy.
And nothing says kid heaven like a big bowl of marshmallows.
That was a last minute idea since I still had most of the bag full. Meant to make pink rice krispy treats, I don't think anyone noticed a treat missing. So I just threw the marshmallows into a bowl. I sighed/shook my head when I noticed during clean up that the marshmallows were the only treat that was entirely eaten and gone. Kinda funny, there's really no need to put work into cakes unless I find joy in it cause these little people, well they are just as happy with a bag of store bought marshmallows.
Abi also asked if she could put her valentine treats from school in a bowl for the treat table. I couldn't resist her humble offering. Yes Abi, your pixie sticks and half eaten rice krispy look great there!
Melodie helped Natalie suck on the tips of hershey's kisses ~ the baby needs a lil' bit o-chocolate too, right! Mmm.
Everyone wore fancy clothes with white, pink, red, but Natalie got to wear her pink pjs cause they had a little heart on them. She is my little valentine.
Perfect evening. Then we watched a movie (Croods, my first time watching it, quite a few clever parts in there!) and I gave them their party presents~ new pillows ~ that's a "love" gift cause it's like a hug at night time! And I wrote on their pillowcases "Love you, goodnight!". And then we went to bed.
Now it's time to go clean up the mess.  :)


  1. This is fantastic Tiff! Everyone sitting at the table, everyone looking nice, some artistic release (the decorations look beautiful!).... I think I'm going to give this a try :D

  2. The decorations look fantastic! Fun Memories.
