Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

We had our family party and it was great. Will update here with pictures tomorrow once I find where the camera ended up in the post-party mess. (...but had to hurry here to the computer to publish something before Midnight so this post will be documented on the date I want)

Ok, I'm back with both cameras in hand (Melodie took pictures too) and decided I'll first post about the kids' valentines and valentine "boxes" and then I'll do tomorrows post (even though tomorrow is now today) about our party.
So, "this morning" (Friday), we hurried and cranked out valentines for the kids with the hot glue. Abi made her valentine hearts a week ago, and we were just gluing on a treat. I thought she did such a good job. I like the kids doing most of the work for their valentines, makes it more meaningful.
I did help Wes and Hyrum with theirs - we just cut up some valentine paper with hearts on it, then they wrote their classmate's names and signed them.
The boys weren't able to put as much effort into their valentines cause they were busy working on their valentine "boxes". Hyrum "box" was his lego robot. You place the card in the bin the robot is holding, then Hyrum remote controlled it to dump the card into a bin.
Wesley made his box out of legos too - a lego volcano. With a gray shopping bag inside it to hold the valentines and to be the smoke
Melodie helped Wesley finish making his the night before, and she carried it to the bus stop with him. She told me she was reminiscing during the walk down about when she used to go to the bus stop... it was just last year, but being in jr. high now and all the changes that teenage-hood brings, it feels like a small lifetime.

I was so glad that Melodie didn't have school, our little party couldn't/wouldn't have happened without her. She is awesome. And she likes throwing parties. Maybe she can be a caterer when she's grown up. She did a great job helping make and decorate the cupcakes.
She got a little frustrated with the frosting - the can of decorator frosting doesn't work as well as the bag. But I told her not to worry about it, there's a crack in everything. This party isn't about having perfect cupcakes, it's about making memories, and it is better for them to decorate cupcakes and have fun contributing than to have perfect cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy or something. (although I'd happily take that route sometimes too...) Abi was a good helper too, she was at the "sugar & sprinkles" station. She was able to cover up most of our frosting mistakes with sugar glitter and confetti, good job Abbers

And of course Lily helped (?) too did Sophia ~ eating frosting and bugging Abi to hand over some of her candy from her kindergarten party.
Our family party time is set at 5:00 ~ should be fun with all these visuals for little eyes!

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