Monday, February 10, 2014

Pretty Little Head

Last night at dinner, Sophia was upstairs feeling sick with a fever, so Melodie brought Natalie to the table to sit in her spot.
Mel was holding her there with one hand to make sure she didn't tip back off of the bench. Natalie didn't eat any of the dinner, seeing as she's just got one tooth. Not quite ready for pasta and garlic bread. Still, just look at that sweet little head.
It made us all laugh and giggle to just look over at her and see her little eyes just looking about taking it all in.
Later upstairs, Joseph took one of the little sponge soccerballs that a kid ripped a hole in (see bottom left of picture) ...
And he discovered that that little indenture in the ball made it balance very well on Natalie's head
And especially cause she's got such good posture, she'd look around and turn her head side to side and it stayed on there quite securely.

It's kinda amazing how much joy these little ones give. She doesn't even have to say anything, all she has to do is look at us with those wide eyes that see straight into our souls. Or just give us a little smile or let us kiss her squishy cheeks, it just doesn't get much better than that.

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