Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Graveside Service

Last week my uncle was buried. He was living in New Hampshire when he passed away, but was buried here in Salt Lake in a cemetery that is located on land that used to be owned by one of his and my pioneer ancestors. It was a tender mercy that there was a plot open for him next to his and my dad's great great grandfather David Brinton
As part of the services, my dad mentioned how Phil knew how to read and translate cuneiform tablets. Holy wow, pretty amazing! Here's a replica of what a cuneiform tablet looks like:
Think you could read that? Yeah, neither could I. Amazing amazing...
I don't have many recent memories of Uncle Phil, but do have memories as a kid. Loved Uncle Phil, and we always got so excited when he'd come to visit.
It was also really humbling to look at David and Harriet's headstone ~ it had their 12 children listed, 8 of whom died within the first two years of life, 5 of those children dying the same year they were born.
Talk about ripping a parent's heart out, I can't even imagine how they dealt with the loss of a child eight times.
It was nice to be with my siblings and parents. We Hibberts don't get together often enough. Afterwards we all went out to eat at Golden Corral in memory of my grandparents, it was their favorite restaurant back in the day.
My 2 cents: Cotton candy should not be served in a restaurant. I don't know, there just seems to be something morally wrong about it. I think all the kids ate was the junkfood. They had a big sign that said "Feel like a kid in a candy store? You are!" Yes they were. Oh well. We adults decided to visit rather than harp on the children about poor eating choices.
Joseph showing me the ski slope he made for his gummy bears. Kids... what can you do?

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