Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tech Rehearsal

Today we went down to Provo for the final Tech Rehearsal for Studio C Season 4 (set to premiere April 7th!). We've tried every time to get tickets to be in the audience for the filming but were never chosen. So sad for us.
Lily wanted a picture with Natalie... "just like our Natalie!"
Well, we might have gotten selected for the final viewing tomorrow, but we didn't register for that one cause we're gonna be at BRIAN REGAN!! (whoo-hoo!) and it was okay cause on the Thursdays before their Friday filming sessions, they have a Tech Rehearsal for the camera men and lighting crew. Their facebook page said they give out wrist bands at 1:00 for the 2:00 filming. I thought there might be high demand for this one cause it was the last one of the season, and plus I wanted to make sure we got tickets because my friend Nicole is visiting from Maine and they wanted to go too. (Get this, she drove out here again, but not just to Utah, she planned a 6 week coast to coast road trip (wow) and she's on her way back to Maine after hitting Arizona for the Temple Open House (just like the Brigham City Temple Open House last time) and then she kept going all the way to San Diego. Yeah, impressive, she is good... talk about ambition. I'm not embarrassed to tell her that I can barely keep up with her for one outing...)

So! since all of her kiddos are big Studio C fans too, it was on the list of to do's while they are here in Utah. She continues her trip home tomorrow. Anyway, so down to BYU we went. She went to the amazing "Sacred Gifts" Art Exhibit , which I didn't dare face with my brood, so I decided we'd just save our place in line for Studio C. And we got first place thank you! but it's not just cause we need to get a life...
Yeah, I knew 10:30 would be way too early, but I wanted to beat any other possible die hard fans who I thought might show up at 11. Plus I didn't know how crowded it would be with it being the final rehearsal, and didn't want Nicole's family to miss it. But now I know for next time that we could have gotten there at 1 and still made it in for the show. Although there's not gotta be a next time unless they make it to season 20 when all my kids might be old enough to handle the wait. It was a long wait, so the kids read books and drew pictures and asked me "how much longer" til it started about, oh, 127 times...
As we waited in line, we saw Stan Ellsworth from American Ride, the kids all thought that was super cool!
It was drizzling rain but not too cold. We made pb and j in line (cause Nicole's a pro and came lunch prepared, I just had pretzels and walnuts and raisins) and we got tweeted by byutv. After handing out the wristbands (#1 and #2 in line, oh yeah) they let us into the building and we waited for another hour.  It was a little exhausting for us mothers and for the little people too...
But lookie at Nicole - she's still smiling! Ya can't keep a good mom down!
Finally into the studio audience seating! Front row!
My sweet two year old Sophia was pretty terrible for most of the experience. She wanted me to hold her and I tried in between trying to discreetly nurse Natalie and hold Lily and stop Lily and Sophi from fighting (that darn pecking order...) Sophi finally fell asleep right before it ended.
Then we headed to the car and went home, after getting some hamburgers. And Krispy Kremes. Cause you can't go to Provo or the BYU Broadcasting building without a stop by Krispy Kreme. :) Good memories. And we'll miss you, Freemans! See you in another year or two!

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