Wednesday, February 26, 2014


After my uncle's funeral, my mom mentioned that she wished they had gone out to visit Phil more and gotten to know him better. Cause a lot of life happens to you by the time you're 60+, right? That's gonna happen to us too, we're gonna be busy with life, and my sibs decided we need to keep in touch better. In an attempt to do that, they've done a few weeks of chit chatting via google hangout. Pretty cool ~
This was my first time joining them this past Sunday. Kinda fun. There were lots of things to do on it that are new to my children and that they were excited to try - such as...
Abi the pirate. And check out pirate Natalie - it's her birthday!!! and she's a bit farsighted. And grew a little facial hair.
Yeah, on my end we played with the program's features and stared at the screen a bit more than we talked. Once the novelty wears off hopefully I'll get more conversation in. But it was fun. I have great siblings. They're awesome.
I'm happy that my kids do too. It will be even better when they all grow up and become friends and confidants and realize how totally awesome each other is.

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