Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tenor Sax

Corey got a Tenor Saxophone for Hyrum off of the classifieds this past week. On Friday to be exact. Which was perfect timing for the family pics. Rochelle took one of  each of the kids with their instrument and we also got a group shot, sweet!
A group shot was now possible for our little up and coming musicians cause they all have their own instrument. The tenor is almost as big as Hyrum! And Wes isn't really playing the soprano much yet, but he will be. Now that they all have horns, Corey's ready to really get to work. With four saxophones kickin' around, hopefully atleast one of them will be up for grabs for Corey to teach with.
Corey bought the sax more for himself than for Hyrum. He needed one since Joseph has assumed ownership of Corey's alto. And once Hyrum starts band in Jr. High in another year and a half, he might get to have the tenor, but until then, Corey's get to toot his own horn. :)

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