Monday, March 10, 2014

Job Chart

We had parent teacher conferences last week. They are pretty good students, but my elementary kids were more than a wee bit lacking in the "I finish my homework" and "I do my reading" departments.
I saw it coming though, cause I'm not on top of it... I'm not surprised that they're not either. In an effort to help both of us, we've made this homework and chore race chart.
I'm hoping a little visual reminder on the stairs will help them engage in a friendly competition with their siblings and themselves.
I made a big poster sized job chart like this before in 2005-ish when Corey was getting his MBA at BYU and the older kids have fond memories of it. Melodie helped me make this one over the weekend. We added a few funnies in their for laughs. There were too many to choose from.
The homework and reading is mostly for the younger kids, everyone does well at practicing their music, but we put it on anyway, and they could all use a little Calvin help for doing chores and bedroom...
Ha! And I love Far Side comics, I think these will give me a quick laugh when I see them. :)
I don't know what the final prize will be, but they have 197 stickers to earn. 4 basic chores a day:
  1. Bedroom
  2. Read / Homework
  3. Music
  4. Chore
and if they do all 4 of those, they are eligible to earn bonus stickers by doing extra reading, extra chores, extra music practice with Corey.
We'll see how long this lasts! Fingers crossed that we're able to finish out the school year unscathed!

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