Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Self Haircut

So I gave myself a haircut a few weeks ago. I've done it a few times, but this time I was worried I'd really messed it up... I like having long hair, but my hair is also really thick, so the longer it gets the heavier it gets, and thus loses volume and the natural curl and looks droopy (atleast that's my non-cosmetologist opinion of what I think is happening?) So I've just cut away at areas before that were too thick for my liking, just going with how it felt with my hands. But this time I was feeling impatient with tapering/blending it out so I basically chopped my top layer at my chin length, and then immediately regretted it. One funny thing though - right after I did it, I bobby-pinned the underneath hair to my head and it looked like I had a bob. I came out with a big smile to see the reactions I got and Joseph saw me first and his jaw dropped, he didn't like it. I wouldn't have guessed that my teenage son had an opinion. "Just kidding Joe, I didn't really cut all of it, just half of it! Yeah, I just thought I'd see if I could ruin my hair."

I fooled around with it a bit that day seeing if I could redeem it with the curling iron, and it kinda works, but not really. I spent the next week trying to smooth/blend out the hard line cut I'd given myself. "I messed up my hair up by cutting it but it's okay, I know how to fix it! I'll just cut it some more!"
I don't know if people can tell it was cut by a major amatuer... and I was a little self conscious cause we most always sit near the front at church - so I sit there thinking all the people behind me have a whole hour to glance over and opine. Thus I put it back in a bun/ twist for two weeks. It's grown out a bit and with the blending I tried I think it looks about normal now. But even if it doesn't, I console myself with the same logic that makes me think I can give myself a haircut anyway, which is "People get away with all sorts of weird and crazy hair styles these days, you'll be fine!"
The curls kinda hide the damage, which is good. I'm sure, if I did go to a salon, the hairdresser would be like "Woah... where did you get your hair cut last time?" "Oh, it was just me having fun."

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