Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pillow Body

Everyone knows what a body pillow is, right? We have a few of those kicking around the house. Well tonight we had something else running around the house: kids with pillow-bodies. 
In case you couldn't tell by the thrill of delight on Lily's face here, I'll just say that the kids all thought this was pretty darn funny.
They all stuffed the fronts and backs of their shirts with the throw pillows from the couches downstairs. Fun-ny!
(Natalie thinking she's surrounded by weirdos.)
Lily looking at herself in the hall mirror and dancing for herself as she sang "I have a pillow body!"
Two skinny little legs and a big round body, like a cow off of some far side cartoon.
Lily's looked the best, and was the only one I was able to get a picture of. But I'm sure they will all be playing this game again soon, and the contest will be who can look as funny as Lily did. :)

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