Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Play That Funky Music

With the new job chart in place, the kids are busy making sure they get their things checked off. 
The next step for us is getting them to do it before 10:00 at night. Yes, right here are pictures of what was going on around here at 9:54 pm last night. Sigh, what can ya do. It's a little hard with school all day and all the stuff after school, but we're trying. And it's especially hard this week with the "spring forward" curse of daylight savings time still lingering in the air ~ leaving all of us in it's wake with that "your running late" feeling the whole day, cause when it feels like 8:00, it's really 9:00!!! Ahh! So last night, after Corey was home from work (7:00) and we had dinner and cleaned that up (8:00) we helped them with homework and then Corey wanted to play with Hyrum, so it was late, but it's important. We just gotta do it.
As Corey said last night as we were late getting to bed, "It's time to invest in next generation..." (aka Wesley and Hyrum). The older kids are off and running, and after the elementary kids somewhat poor showing at parent teacher conferences last week, we know we gotta help these two get on their feet. So I kept helping Wesley with a book report while Corey and Hyrum were jammin'. Cause Hyrum's gonna be in middle school next year, and he needs to get ready for jazz band as he follows in Ethan's footsteps. Hyrum and Corey were playing a little tune that the kids have changed the lyrics to ~ "Play that funky music, Wride boy!!"
And look at that multi-tasking father - playing the soprano with a baby in his arms to boot!

Natalie's amazed and also wide awake with the loud music blasting throughout the house, wondering "Can we all just go to bed yet?" Not yet, Corey's gotta get started working on the next "next generation" - go Sophi!

And plus, when these boys are in the zone, they are in the zone, and they just gotta keep playing! So instead of being frustrated, let's capture the moment. 
And everyone got a good laugh when I showed them the picture above, ...and zoomed in on Joseph feeling the groove.
You go, Joe!! You go with it! "Play that funky music Joe boy!" Yeah! Now that kids loves playing his saxophone. 

1 comment:

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