Monday, March 24, 2014

Typical Sunday

Here's a typical Sunday ~ we spend time reading our scriptures and enjoying family discussion before bedtime. The Tabernacle Choir is usually playing in the background. We enjoy dinner together and sometimes have company, yesterday we did some  (to quote Corey)"service in the Hispanic Community" which involves entertaining our amigos de Uruguay. They like to come over. That's a story for another day. Corey cooked up some steak for them and us. Here's Sophi during prayer at dinner (I've peeked to see her before, it's just precious, I had to get a picture)
The kids usually want Corey to play with them, which will turn into wrestling in the front room or jumping on the trampoline or playing pomp in the backyard. And then there's just the random goofing off after church that the kids do with whatever random thing they happen to stumble upon around the house -
Ethan found some tulle and decided to be Franny from Studio C, funny. 

Joseph can usually be found napping on the couch. The kids took a picture of him. They want to save it for use as blackmail in some future day.
And of course our angel Natalie who I could just watch for hours when's she's quietly playing and exploring the world at 2 feet off the ground.
She'd pick up the pen from the etch a sketch and dangle it and shake it, then move it, hold it, she is living in the now - she is fully present with no expectation or thought or worry about tomorrow or all the stuff there is to do. I want to be more like that. That is how you slow down time, by being fully aware of the present moment.

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