Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Today is Ethan's Happy Birthday. He is 12 years old. We made some party cinnamon rolls for breakfast and put on some candles - blow them out! What do you wish for Ethan?
He seemed in a rather sober mood during most of the day and had been for the days leading up to it. He said he was sad that he didn't feel as excited for his birthday this year as he usually is. Notice how reflective he looks...
I told him that it is okay to feel that way, it is probably just part of growing up. As you get older, it does kinda just turn into another day with one or two quiet moments of contentment. He's almost a teenager now. The childhood magic of wishing for toys is gone~ for the next little while, your wish list is going to be made of accessories or cash. And that is okay. 
He got (and was very happy to receive) a killer saxophone case from his dad, money, some clothes, and little Natalie gave him a very special gift, she snuggled up to him and fell asleep on his shoulder. Made his day. :) 
It made him so happy we even got a real smile from him!
Love you Eth! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. There's the killer cute face/smile of his I remember when he was a toddler. Lady killer in the making!
