Thursday, April 3, 2014

Frozen Springtime

It's spring in Utah, which means... snow? Yup, that is Utah weather. Melodie and Joseph are out of school for spring break this week, and so with the little bit of snow that fell, Melodie decided to build a snowman.
And as you can, this creative girl can't just make your average snowman. She made Olaf.
It was cute seeing her work out there, with her slip on shoes and no socks, sitting on her coat.
She was inspired by Frozen which never saw, despite my children's pleadings, until it came out on dvd. We even let them watch it on a school night so that they could stop feeling like outcasts at school. Olaf is our favorite, he's a pretty funny snowman.
I like the stick hair, Melodie, nice touch.

The kids loved the music from Frozen, like everyone else in the world. This week, Lily came to my room when I was taking a bath, and I heard a little knock and then her little voice sang "Do you want to build a snowman?" and she kept singing and I smiled, then when the moment came, I yelled on cue "GO AWAY ANA!" and she said "Ok, bye..." and actually left! Wow! That was the highlight of my day! Usually when I'm in the bathroom and would like some alone time, everyone thinks it's my open for consultation time and I'm having conversations with them through the door that fall in the "non-urgent" category and are filed under "this could totally wait until you're done, but...". So thank you, Frozen! I think you made my life easier, and my children might learn that when someone asks/tells you to leave or wait for a more appropriate time, you can sweetly hearken unto their request and say "ok, bye!" Hooray!

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