Friday, April 4, 2014

Fun Big Brother

After the Museum last week, Joseph helped carry Natalie (as she pulled his hair) during the end of our campus outing to BYU. He carried her up on his shoulders, and she loved it -
She was doing that really adorable baby belly laugh that makes everyone who hears it laugh ~ So Joseph was bounding along and we all smiled ear to ear and walked backwards so we could see Natalie as we listened to her sweet laughter.
It was too cute.
This morning we had a little more big brother fun, this time with Joseph and the elementary kids. They've been wanting Melodie to walk them to the bus stop every morning, but she was still asleep today, but Joseph was up. Joseph offered his services, Abi said "YEAH YEAH YEAH!" Wesley groaned "No!... Not Joseph!" We all were puzzled by Wesley's protest. Joseph tried to sell himself... "Wes! Remember when I was in 6th grade and you'd be slow walking to the bus stop, so to get  you to go faster I'd pretend to be the monkey from Temple Run and you'd be the explorer guy? Huh!?" Wesley remembered and had a change of heart "Oh yeah!" Abi said "YEAH!! CHASE US!" Then Joseph realized he was still in his pjs and that he also didn't want to go outside into the cold morning. So he tried to get out of it, but Abi wouldn't have it and commanded him, "JOSEPH! WALK US TO THE BUS!" Joseph replied "In my pajamas?!?!" Abi's response made us all laugh and won her a walk to the bus stop. With a "no duh!" tone in her voice, she said "YEAH! That's what Mom's do!" You got me Abi, it's true. But not only do I walk to the bus stop in my pajamas, I pretty much live in my pajamas all day (pajamas = tshirt and yoga pants). I'm guilty. I have been trying to take it up a notch the past two weeks. I'm following my friend Nicole's idea. We call it our "Wonder Woman Transformation" and it involves trying to get dressed and put on make up after the motherly work day is done and before the hubby gets home. But when the kids see me in a skirt, I have to answer to each one as they discover my outfit and they each ask me "Why are you dressed up?" and "Are you guys going on a date tonight?" No, we're not going on a date. I'm just trying to take a little of the blah out of living and spruce it up a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing of your joyful life! YOU are a superwoman!! xoxo
