Friday, April 25, 2014

Disney Princesses

(Our day at Disneyland, continued)
Sophi, Natalie, Grandpa and I held place in line, and it felt like we were waiting a long time since this line didn't move, but there was no complaining by the little people so it was all good. Abi and Lily had gone over with their cousins to the place where we met the princesses two years ago (Disneyland had switched it up on us!) but it was fine cause there was some fun theatrical thing going on over there that had their attention. Anyway, they wanted to stay for that, so when I did get to the front of the line, there was no one we needed to wait for, so Sophia got her very own reception with the Disney Princesses. We were officially received into the Royal Reception area and the first Princess we met was Cinderella.
Then Aurora. Sophia was a bit in celebrity shock by seeing these real princesses with their sparkley dresses.
Then to Ariel.
What do you think Sophi? We waited for the group a while more and killed the time by watching a special play in the Royal Theater and saw Belle.

Abi and Lily came over during that show, then we all went over again (Grandpa held a new spot in line) and met the princesses again. And look at that, they switched up all the princesses! It was a different (yet equally lovely) Cindrella, Aurora, and Ariel. Sophia lost her shyness this time and gave hugs to the princesses.
I was pretty impressed with the logistics of what had to be going on behind the scenes here to always have princesses ready here a the "hall" and princesses in other areas of the park, plus princesses for the parade and Fantasmic, I mean wow, what a production. Kudos to Disney, they pull it all off awesomely.
I thought Natalie looked cute in that picture above, checking out what all this princess fuss is all about. And last was Ariel again, and this Ariel was the best of the princesses, she was just so cute.
She spent so much time talking to the girls and answering their questions and asking them questions, and she was just so excited about it all, I was laughing and the girls were loving it - it was just like meeting the princess in Enchanted. So fun.
Loved her. So fun.
Yeah, took a lot of pictures of her and the girls, and then my battery died. I need to check with the cousins for the group shot with her, I bet it's a keeper.

And I'll have to get pictures of the rest of Disneyland that day, cause that's all my camera got until it recharged overnight. And this is what my little princess looked like the next morning... all tuckered out from a day of magic at Disneyland.

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