Thursday, April 24, 2014

Little Girls at Disneyland

More of documenting our trip... So, Tuesday 4/15 we all went to Disneyland. The older kids took of running hanging out with the inlaws, doing the fast and fun rollercoasters, and Corey and I just took it easy with the little girls in Fantasyland.
First ride of the day - the merry-go-round. What do you think Lily?
That looks like a thumbs up to me. Sophia had such a sweet little grin on her face during the ride, since she had been coming along with us the whole morning with absolutely no expectations for what was in store, so this was a pleasant surprise!
 Hold on tight, Natalie! Both hands gripping the pole, she's all about safety first.
Next - The Teacups. The girls gave their best to turning the cup for us and then Corey had a turn. I was glad that I didn't get my usual "I'm gonna throw up" after the spinning. I remember in elementary school that I totally lived for the spin-you-till-you-die tire swing, but not anymore.
We said hi to Corey's wonderful parents after the tea cups. "You guys look so cute!" Corey said as we walked over, cause it was fun to see them both cruisin' around with their little pair of scooters. Corey's dad had knee surgery just before the trip so he got to take it easy. There's Abi planning our next move... where to Abers?
Looks like we're off to "Small World". The lines were long but not too slow, but it did get a little hot in the full sun line for Small World. I was glad it was shaded and cool inside. Abi was getting hungry for lunch and thus started to pick out all the MnMs from the trail mix I brought.
Corey and I and the girls were all about ready for a break, so off to the playground at Toon Town. Lily was tired of walking and stopped where she was and sat down as we continued on. Corey went back to retrieve her as she didn't obey us when we called to her to come. Lily did this several times throughout the day.
She will be 5 in June and the Feisty Fours will finally be over (trusting she and we all survive.) The shaded bench in Toon Town was great. The girls loved the slide.
After a good break and deciding what other rides sounded good to us. We took the train over to another cool and calm interior ride - Pirates. Natalie fell asleep on the train ride over. At Pirates there was a long line, but I was thankful that it was twisting and spread out all over the place to give us (and the toddlers) the illusion that we were moving quickly. We struck up a conversation with the nice people behind us, and I hadn't noticed his hat yet, but did after I took the picture of him holding Natalie, which he offered to do when we started in line. We love BYU Alumni.
After that, Corey took off with Abi and Lily, I went with Natalie and Sophi to hold place in the Princess Royal Reception area. That was the longest wait with the least distance to move. We just stood there. For 45 minutes. And didn't move hardly at all. Sophi was patient. Grandpa came and joined us after a little while...
And Natalie taught him how to count to 20 using your toes.
The Royal Reception is worthy of it's own post, so I'll continue with that tomorrow.

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