Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Big Decisions

So Joseph has a big decision to make. The question: Should he find out if he made SBO the night before the big assembly at school or does he wait until the COW? SBO = Student Body Officer. Specifically Commissioner of Activities. COW = Churchill Office Winners (aka the BIG assembly)
I never had to endure such a decision as a young teenager. We had to wait, and texting wasn't invented yet. He's trying to decide. He has to let them know tomorrow morning if he wants a text or not. If he gets one, and he wins, he probably won't be able to hide his excitement. If he gets one and he didn't win, he probably won't be able to hide his great disappointment. Either way he said he's going to go to school. He's been following Melodie around and bugging her saying "What would you do if you were in my position..." and she just shrugs and walks away and wants him to go away and for him to stop talking about this (cause it truly is all he's talked about for the past month...)
I'm trying to humor him. He likes to hash it over several times. And then rehash it all again. We've got a plan, I think: We'll have them text me and/or Corey. I, like Joseph, cannot hide my happiness/disappointment and or keep a secret. So I'll have them text me and I'll just not open the text until after Joseph leaves for school, then I'll find out and text him like 10 or 15 minutes before the show, so he's not having to answer questions of other classmates about if he knows if he won, but he can still sneak away to mourn privately if he looses. And of course Corey won't blab it to Joseph cause he's still out of the country. He's good at keeping secrets when he's in the country, so we're doubly safe there. 

So, yeah! We'll find out soon! Let me know if you want the play by play, cause it's all we hear about around here. I'll be glad when this part of it is over. I hope for Joseph that he makes it, he's a good kid and has his heart kinda set on it. I've been hoping for me that he doesn't make it, cause I tend to favor anything that helps me not have to leave the house and/or makes us less busy as a family. Corey reminded Joseph that he's like 90 - 0 for achieving his goals and having his dreams come true, time for him to miss for once and see what life is like for the rest of us here on planet earth.
Corey and I both won SBO when we were in junior high together. Corey was President (woo-woo!) and I was Historian. And they put me on probation cause I was being delinquent in my responsibilities. I can tell that story sometime. It made for a interesting part of our long courtship. :) It's okay sweetie, I don't blame you for it, I was being a slacker (but not really) (the other officers were out to get me!!). Fyi, at the end of year award assembly that year, I won the Outstanding Student Body Officer award. Ha! Take that!
Man, they threatened to not let me wear my sweater at school! Talk about cruelty and unusual punishments! Muah ha ha! JUNIOR HIGH!!!

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