Thursday, May 29, 2014

Survival Tip

So, how does one survive running a household full of kids all alone? I was going to survive off of lettuce and green shakes, but then my mother gifted me a jar of something... Natalie will give you a hint... (look at that face! Look at your pretty pursed lips Natalie!! Give me a kiss, oh you're adorable!)
So, how to survive... it involves something sugary and chocolaty. Yes, unfortunately, I had more than my fair share of Nutella the past few days.
Then I tried to get the kids to help me get rid of it, and they obliged. When I gave Natalie a baby spoonful, it all landed perfectly on her lips like she was wearing some chocolate lipstick or something ~
You look so pretty Natalie! So cute! We had to call everyone in to watch her lick her lips - it was cuter than a bunny eating raspberries!
So now the Nutella is gone, phew! Ok, back to healthy eating. But when it shows up kicking around the house again, I know Natalie will be there to help me out.
(Mmmm, chocolate!)

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