Thursday, May 22, 2014


Another thing that was on our to do list before Ethan left for Brazil was to go to the dentist. And if we're taking one kid, might as well take 7.
Well, 4 kids to get actual checkups, then 3 little girls along for the ride.
I wrote down on the new patient fill out form that we hadn't been in to a dentist for 4 years. Pretty sure it's been like 4 years. Maybe 5. I have no idea last time we went... I guess I could check my old dentist bill files, but I might have tossed them. I know we haven't gone since we've been back from Chile, and that means we also didn't go before we left for that, so it's been atleast since Sep 2010. And we were busy with moving and packing before that, so yeah, sure it's been atleast 4 years. Last time Hyrum went, I think in kindergarten, he had 6 cavities.
I was prepping myself for bad news. I took Ethan, Hyrum, Wesley and Abi all to the dentist together.  So if I have 4 kids going in now, we'll prepare myself mentally for 6 cavities each... yikes, this might not be pretty... And going to get them all check out of their two school was a process in itself. Took my whole afternoon and all my energy. Which might be why I avoid doctor and dentist offices as much as possible. But we did it, and not only did we go in for check ups and x-rays and cleanings, but these 4 awesome kids all got praised by the dentist for their great teeth and then got praised by their mother for NO CAVITIES!!! 4 kids and no cavities, so impressed. Way to go. Joseph and Melodie get to go in next Tuesday, we'll see if the older kids can beat that! 

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