Sunday, May 25, 2014

Still Alive

I've been a bit over my head with life this past week, but haven't drowned yet. Church was great today and reminded me to pray more and also I learned (again) to slow down and do things that fill me up emotionally, and not just work and be busy cause there are 100 things to do and cause everyone is running in every direction. So yeah, that's a lesson I keep learning and being reminded of over and over again.

I got to put it right to practice right away, cause today after church we went over to my parent's house for dinner and it was great - my mom made a lovely meal and it was so fun to take a tour of my dad's garden. "Take time to smell the roses!" Or atleast photograph them. We haven't all been over to my parents' house for forever. Like, I don't know if we have since we've been back from Chile? My mom usually comes to visit us cause it's just easier, so it was a special treat to go to their house. I love my dad's garden.

So I took deep breaths and photographed flowers while the kids played downstairs with my old toys. They broke out the box of the old Fisher Price "Little People" toys. They played "school" and were going on a train ride as a field trip I think...

Hyrum always plays so cute with his little sisters. Well, not always I guess, but when he's in the zone and willing to play down to their level, it's always heart warming to watch.
After that, we did another thing we've never done, we went to my little brother's house. He lives in Saratoga Springs and they bought a starter home last August, so almost been a year, but none of us had paid a house call yet, so that was fun to go see them too! We did two somethings we've never done before! It was their little boy's birthday, so we came down to visit and enjoy some cupcakes with relatives. Natalie was tuckered out after the drive down. Her little arms just look like they're so exhausted...
Natalie woke up and enjoyed licking chocolate frosting off of grandpa's fingers. Mmm.
Sophia loved the swing. I didn't get a picture of that, cause I was too busy pushing her. When she took a break for cupcakes I took a pic of Wesley stuck. Hyrum got stuck in the baby swing too, with his legs through the holes but his waist and hips stuck out of the chair if that makes sense? That was the biggest laugh I got today.
And the kids colored with chalk - Lily made a rainbow.
 Wesley made an amazing maze, of course.
 And they were tuckered out again after the drive back home.
Heading home to bed, thanks for a lovely evening, mom and dad.

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