Thursday, May 8, 2014

Getting Tech Ready

So, Corey's got some big presentation in Brazil coming up in less that two weeks. As he's figuring out what he'll need to present, he's been letting the business acquire some new technology. First up was a big Bose speaker thing. He tested it out over the weekend. But first he had Joseph and Ethan make a movie screen from the hockey rink's discarded pvc pipes. Add a white bed sheet and viola! You got yourself a home theater!
Joseph lost his balance as during the process as he stood on a stool - just as he was calling for Ethan to come hold it... the stool it tipped over and out from under him. So he got a few big scratches on his arm as his elbow and bicep tried to slow down his fall by rubbing on the stucco of the house. ouch. We tried to bandage him up, the kids started bringing out their pillows and blankets and played on the trampoline while Corey got the sound system ready for a Saturday movie night showing that was very appropriate for "May the 4th" weekend.
Yeah, a little bit of Star Wars going on. Everyone's ready for movie night, even Natalie has pulled up to the drive in theater in her high chair.
It was a perfect temperature night and the kids slept out on the trampoline after the movie. Fun times together! We like the perks that come with Corey's business. :)

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