Saturday, May 10, 2014

Busy Busy

Here are the kids all tuckered out in the car after we went up to my nephew's baptism last week. If I didn't have to drive, I guarantee I would have been knocked out sleeping with them.
Yeah, I pretty much feel clobbered by life again this week. Mostly I think it was cause it's been cloudy and rainy, which throws off my brief half hour run outside, which then throws off my whole day. I shouldn't let it, but it does. Looks like it's the same drizzly weather for today and tomorrow, then there's sunshine in the forecast next week, phew! So aside from the gray weather, it was just the typical busy school/work week. We're almost there... just 4 more weeks of school and then we get a break! Summer is way too short though, but it does feel like a break to have their schedules slow down and have all of them home. 

But todays another busy day.... weekends feel almost as busy as the school week. I went to the temple this morning, my 3rd week in a row, yeah! Natalie is still nursing, but thankfully eats enough solid foods that there is something else her to tide her over when I sneak out for 3 hours in the morning. Saturday's at 6 a.m. is my only chance to get away and go. Look at the beautiful pictures from last week ~ gorgeous gorgeous flowers...

I love it. The girls and I are attending a little ballet "tea party" fund raiser this after noon from 12:30 to 3:30, and then Melodie has an orchestra concert at Abravanel hall tonight at 7. We're all going to go to that too, so makes for a fun family night. Maybe we'll do ice cream after. :) 4 more weeks of school, Corey is going to Brazil in a week and will be gone for about two, so it's practically already June! Yay!

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