Monday, May 19, 2014

May Memories Party

Yesterday we had our little family party for May. Originally I was planning on a spring theme with flowers and such. Then I realized (on Saturday) that this was my last weekend in May with everyone at home before Corey and Ethan set out for adventure, so most of the cute and time consuming ideas went out the window and we did a quick throw together again. I decided to do a "food memories" meal. I walked around the grocery store trying to recall any and all foods that had some memory of a person or place associated with it. Our main dish was "completos" in memory of the hot dogs from Chile that frequented our dinner table. We also had cheese puffs which reminded the kids of class parties at Maria Luisa Bombal (see last pic). Mmm, cheese puffs, that's like the holy grail of kid food happiness, right? We gave it a proper serving dish at our "party".
Pringles were also served, since they were a family comfort food in Costa Rica and Chile. And Wheat thins with Strawberry Cream cheese, which was also a comfort food of mine from the Automercado in Costa Rica where we could buy American food. And Corn chips served with cream cheese covered in salsa, an appetizer taught to us by Kurt and Ashley Avarell, one of our Start Up Chile friends.
Wes with his completo~
Cute kids.

On the dessert menu we had Corn flakes with chocolate milk in memory of Carola and Juan Pablo from Chile.
We also had some animal crackers with Nutella, which taste just like this chocolate happiness which we enjoyed in Costa Rica. Lorna Doone cookies were also served, cause they remind us of Grandma Wride. Cosmic Brownies too, which remind the kids of when I used to make them cold lunches (gave up on that this past school year... something had to go)
I had a Brian Regan moment with Lily during the dinner as I told her not to dip her hot dog into her chocolate milk (yuck). "Ya gotta have kids!"
Talking about food memories led to all sorts of fun conversation and "do you remember"s, plus thoughts about places they'd like to visit in the future for college and missions, and life in general.
Poor Natalie, slept through most of the party.
She was tuckered out, cute little exhausted lips...
Next month is our June/Summer party. And I'll try really hard to not let it just be a quick throw together again. Trusting that in the first busy month of summer "vacation" we can find a weekend with all of us here! - There are already scout camps and water rafting trips scheduled, but we'll make it happen.

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