Monday, May 12, 2014

Mom's Job

Yesterday at church for Mother's Day, the Primary kids filled out little questionnaires about their moms. These are my favorite things to read, I love having a glimpse into how they perceive all that I do through their young eyes. One thing I learned this year, is that I clean a lot and that it's my job. (If that's true, you'd think my house would look better...) From Hyrum - "My mom always says 'Can you help me clean?" and "My mom's job is to clean"
Now Wesley was the odd man out, he didn't mention cleaning. He says I say "I love you" - woohoo! Point to mom. And he also said my job is to help family. I can live with that.
Abi said "My mom's job is to clean" and "If my mom had time, she would clean." 
I confess that is true. I would have loved nothing better than to have all the kids be my cleaning maids for a whole weekend. Or to have them take a trip somewhere while I take that same vacation time to clean clean clean and (hopefully!) get on top of my life here. Yes, if I had time. If I wasn't shoveling while it's still snowing all around me. On Saturday, after the ballet tea party, we had plans to go see Melodie's symphony performance. Corey left with Mel and the older boys, Corey had to chaperone the performance. I was left home with the young kids. I tried to get the older young kids to get ready and it wasn't happening. I didn't have it in me to make them. 4 unwilling participants who were so sad that the rest of their Saturday would be spent sitting down listening to a concert. Sophi was napping, and Natalie didn't care either way. I could have dragged the two little girls down, but I didn't have it in me to fight and drag 6 kids, so we missed Mel's concert. I would have gone. If my life were my own I would have been there. Sorry Mel. I hear it was a wonderful performance though. 
And what did I do with my free time since the concert was moved off my schedule? I cleaned. I even mopped. And that, well, that's been a while since that's happened. So I guess Abi was right, I would love to clean if I had time. Last but not least, Lily said "My mom's job is tell us to clean" Now I like that one even more! Make the kids do it, yeah!
Last night at our google hangout with my family, we exchanged "How to you cope with the mess" strategies and ideas. Uncle Matt had a great suggestion for when kid's don't clean... the "Wheel of Punishment" where they get to go spin it and take their chances! They might think that was a bit too fun of a risk. We'd have to counter it with the "Wheel of Rewards". Thinking of idea. The job chart didn't work this time. It lasted like 3 weeks, but by the end of the third, I was handing out stickers and what they did to "earn" them was pathetic, so I started to refuse, and there it died. I'm loving this idea of just taking them all away, then they'd be creative and play outside, which I love, and the mess of pinecones and rocks and sticks stays out there, I can live with that. Yes, I'm going to go do my job now, going to go clean their rooms! Goodbye toys. I hereby take upon myself the title of Toy Monster. Aka the exact opposite of Santa. So I might now be a kids worst nightmare, for I now take away toys. 
This sack was loaded up last week when I cleaned their rooms. I bet there's another sack full all over the floor, just waiting for my sleigh. But my sleigh is more of a basement dungeon. Here I go! I'll post the before and after's soon (just to make myself accountable) time, 1:24, here I go... I shall post before and afters tomorrow.

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