Saturday, May 31, 2014

Movie Mouth - Jundiaí, Brazil

Our conquering heroes have returned. And now Corey's taking a nap, Ethan is walking around saying it all feels like this little trip to Brazil was all just a dream and that he never actually left. Thus is life, my son. So enjoy the now, cause it is fleeting. They were able to go by the old chacara where we lived in 2007. It was all locked up with the current owners, so they just prowled around like a couple of foreign burglars.
The trip has been a success. They didn't get as big of a turnout as they wanted, due to some scheduling conflicts and some ill-timed construction and an accident nearby or something. Here are a few pictures though:
Everyone that came and listened really liked it and said they will definitely want their language schools using the Movie Mouth software.

So, now he's back and recovering from jet lag, and then there a lot more work to do. Keep it up sweetheart, go get 'em.

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