Friday, May 30, 2014

He Won

Joseph won Student Body Officer. He is super excited.
Corey got the text with the news . Joseph didn't want to know. Grandma and I did. We got the word from Corey. Much less nerve wracking going to the assembly knowing already, I liked that. They did a cute little show using Disney characters and movies.
He is positive that he will always remember this day. I told him to trust me... as the years pass, he will not remember anything about this that I don't photograph ) or that he doesn't write down. So that was his homework for the night ~ to write down all his happy emotions.
He wore the sweater around the house, it was cute. (nice socks too in honor of the COW.) Corey gave him some good advice before the assembly. He said "As a father, I think it would be a better growing experience for you to lose. But I know how much you want to be an officer, so I hope you get it."
And he also passed along this gem of wisdom that he attributed to John Bytheway: "If you're not good enough without it, you'd never been good enough with it anyway. So be good on your own terms and the honors come and go." ~ good advice. :)

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