Saturday, June 28, 2014

Brinton Reunion at Seven Peaks

The kids and I went to Seven Peak Water Park today for the David Brinton Reunion. (Seven Peaks is owned by a Brinton descendant.) It's David Brinton's 200th birthday since he was born in 1814. David Brinton had six wives. We come from wife #6 - Hilda Matilda Bradsen. Hyrum is named after her son and grandson, both named Hyrum, both ancestors of ours, as you can see in the top right of the picture below.
"Hilda Matilda" ~ isn't that just such a cool name! I visited a little bit with people during lunch. Most of the time, though, was spent watching this angel, who was content to play in the tube for like 20 minutes.

Then she was bored, so we went on the lazy river, where she fell asleep, so then I took her back to the shade and she slept on my mother's lap while I prepared lunch. Joseph and Ethan were prowling around like two hungry tigers looking for pizza somewhere. We were going to go buy some at Little Ceasars, but then Corey asked us to cut our day of hot sun short and come back for a BBQ with our Brazil friends, who are headed back to Brazil for a long vacation on Tuesday. So then I canceled the pizza request and told them to hurry and go finish rides, cause we're leaving soon. So they did. Hyrum came with me and we watched Natalie splash. Pure joy
She could sit okay, but started to get in over her head when she crawled into the deeper water.
 Hyrum would fish her out and she'd do it over again.

She had a ball. I didn't get any pictures of the other kids swimming, cause I pretty much didn't see them at all. They had fun and Wes got fried, especially his face. Abi's face too. My bad for letting them sun-block themselves while I filled out the reunion registration paper. But Natalie made it out unscathed.
Then we headed to the BBQ. Good stuff, and fun games. We enjoyed steak and ice cream and played some Brazil vs. Chile football. Close game!
And everyone in the world loves our pretty baby. And rightly so.

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