Thursday, June 26, 2014

Quail Trail

On Tuesday after dinner, we went on a family walk on a little trail called Quail Trail. It goes along Little Cottonwood Creek from Durban Road through a little canyon to near La Caille. It was great to all get out together.

Mountains were gorgeous. It's on my list this year to get a camera that can do them more justice.
Abi was quietly weeping the first half of the little hike, certain that we were wandering further and further away from civilization and safety and cause Ethan told her there were probably rattle snakes. She's a VERY sensitive little girl and we cannot talk about anything that might upset her around her or there's just no reasoning that will bring her back to calm reality. (Do NOT ever mention going on a cruise... she is so scared, not sure how that got in her head.)
Once we made it out to the end and she saw the cars driving along Wasatch Blvd, it all made sense and she was no longer in fear for her life. Hooray!

Joseph and Ethan took the road way and jogged back home, while we walked with the rest of the kiddos back to the car. Sunset was gorgeous too. What a beautiful world ~
Natalie loved it if you can't tell by her smile! She's learned how to do the cheesy grin with a combination of a scrunchy nose with it, like her big sisters, so cute.
 Life is so good ~ we are very blessed. I love these little people.

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