Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fun with Kevin

A year or so ago, the kids made up a game on the trampoline. They put a little toddler scoot car on the trampoline and jumped around and the game was to jump but no not get touched by the toy car. For some reason, they decided to name the scoot car. They named him Kevin. He would get bounced off the trampoline and then I'd hear kid's crying "Kevin! Kevin! Someone help Kevin!" I had no idea who any neighbor kid named Kevin was, so went out to check on everyone's safety and there learned that Kevin was the toy car. Kinda funny, weird kids. Anyway, the name has stuck. And Kevin has found a new playmate in Natalie
She'll go find him and crawl on to his little seat and then sit there.
And of course then she's just too irresistible to NOT push - and one of her siblings will take her for a whirl on Kevin.
Or if no one will, she'll try to do it herself. But that's just not the same.
Ethan and Hyrum have been taking her zipping across the floor. Lily's done it too. They go pretty fast, so I watch with one eye open. Natalie is squealing with delight, she loves it. Lily's crashed her into the door a few times, but luckily Lily doesn't push as fast as the big brothers and so she hasn't fallen off.
It's super cute and funny. We like Kevin. The older kids have ridden him around as much, if not more, than the little kids, so his wheels have been bent under their weight and I'm kinda amazed that he still works at all. Pretty well made toy I guess! We're glad to have Kevin, especially Natalie.

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