Monday, June 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Lily

Today Star-Heart Lily turned 5. (...I don't think I mentioned it before, but last year she wanted to change her name to Star Heart, so we play along and call her Star Heart Lily now and then.)
Of course now she wants to be called "Wild Style" ~ cause she got the Uni Kitty lego for her birthday, and she loves the Unikitty and Wild Style.  We finally saw the Lego movie on Friday and Lily liked Wild Style. She asked Corey that night if it was okay to change her name. Sure, no biggie, it happens ever month or so anyway... so we played along at first, but then reconsidered it later that night while we were lecturing her again on not making messes (as we helped her clean up 8 raw eggs that she cracked and shoved in various nooks and crannys (such as under the couch)) and to not draw in books or cut up papers that she doesn't know what they are (aka medical bills) ... "Yeah, let's not call you Wild Style... how about "Calm Style" or "Peaceful Style"? Those sound better than wild..." We don't need her to get any more wild and carefree than she already is.

So she had a good day. Her past birthdays... the Original "birth" day, then here she is in 2010 pretty close to her 1 year birthday (but that was back before I blogged regularly, so that is all we got), no b-day documentation when she was 2, but we've got the broken leg a week before, shy when she turned 3 and wearing the same dress as 3 when she turned 4... she still wears that dress... that would have been funny if I noticed it before, I could have had her wear it again today! She's seriously so little... can't believe she's going to be in kindergarten~
So we had cupcakes and cake and ice cream and more ice cream.... let's get the sugar overdose over with, atleast until Wesley's birthday on Wednesday...

And everyone helped her make Cloud Cuckoo Land. Cause you can never have to many legos...? Acutally, we probably do.
And Lily was so nice to share her balloons... Natalie had a ball rolling on the birthday balloons later that night. It was so funny to watch.
 She's turning into quite a silly baby.

A little sister is more fun than a puppy!

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